(Equipment Identity Register)
Security and Compliance
A next generation solution to meet legislative compliance, protect network integrity, manage devices, subscriber profiling and commercial engagements.
Data is updated near real-time using our unique high performance storage algorithms. You gain access to aggregate information in near real-time.
List Management
Comprehensive List Management (Black, Gray, White and unlimited, customizable variables, Exceptions, VIP and others).
Combat fraud and under-performing devices. Use intelligent lockout and, combined with campaigns, recover banned subscribers and create substitution offers. Be on top of the rise in the global export of grey market devices, device theft, and identity fraud. Operators are under greater pressures to devise strategies to implement security measures to protect their network and revenues from gray market devices, disable access by stolen devices and for regulators to ensure that compliance to standards and tax guidelines are adhered to.
Analyse trends, growth and other patterns, intercede in matters of theft, taxation enforcement, subscriber registration & identification and identity fraud.
Provides roll-up/roll-down analytics with a bird's eye, or per-network view. Also provides standard and customised reporting and an intuitive dashboard front-end over a fully standards compliant architecture that allows integration with Operators' back-end systems.
Detect SIM Boxes and provide accurate geographical targeting of the boxes while offering options in dealing with them (automatic Blacklisting / Blocking of the device and associated SIM cards in real-time), and provide geographical location for investigative purposes.
Lists And List Management
The EIR supports three subsets of lists, depending on the selected feature set, including all 3GPP types – and three additional lists for commercial applications.
Standard List-based operation
The standard lists consist of Black and Grey lists with implicit whitelisting – i.e. if an IMEI is not either Black or Grey – it’s assumed to be white.
Extended Lists
Extended list administration adds two more lists which are the explicit white list and the unknown list. When operating within an extended list setup the EIR requires all devices to be marked for access as white. This means all IMEI’s on the network must be on either the Black, Grey or White lists – if not on one of these lists, the equipment is said to be unknown and placed into the unknown list, awaiting further processing for a pre-set grace period allowed onto the network – but after the expiry of the grace period – the IMEI is moved to the Blacklist automatically.
Non-Standard lists
The EIR supports several different non-standard lists; Amnesty, Bind and Location. These are usually more used in a commercial setting – or to mitigate agreed transitions towards an EIR.
Amnesty list
The Amnesty list allows for the combinations of IMSI / IMEI to be allowed to exist on the network even though the IMEI is Blacklist. This is normally used in a transition period where all known cloned IMEI and IMSI and current IMEI are allowed – while all new combinations be banned.
Bind list
The Bind list, as implies, binds an IMEI and IMSI together so only this pair is legal on the network. This can be used for bundling IMEI and IMSI together – for example, SIM cards in modems and CPE – so these SIM’s are not placed into Smart phones and used for personal data.
Location list
The location lists tie an IMEI and optionally an IMSI to a specific cell range – for locality lock down of CPE.
GSMA Integration
Integration with GSMA Centralized IMEI Database
The EIR supports batch imports from the latest GSMA databases on a configurable schedule, and uploading of local additions to the database if these additions are compliant with the standard lists and conditions utilized by the GSMA.
Automatic Clone detection - IMEI and SIM Cards
Detect and locate cloned IMEI and SIM cards by running a network scan to scan all devices and SIM cards active on the network, picking out those that are not registered. By applying the rule that there can only one IMEI and IMSI active on the network at any given time the EIR can find all duplicates within the network, or, in the case of a Central EIR, all networks. Any conflicting IMEI and IMSI numbers are reported in a duplication list for processing or blacklisting.