Network Probing
Real Time
Data is updated in near real-time using our unique high-performance storage algorithms. You gain access to aggregate information in near real-time.
Collect aggregated information about consumer behavior to better develop personalized offerings for subscribers and to gain insight into how and when subscribers are actually using their services.
Probing mode uses a copy of the signaling radio stream created by a switch vlan-mirror. The mirror data is probed and processed enabling the system to locate subscribers and handsets in real-time as they move within the network.
Keep track of subscribers' network transactions and activities such as USSD, SMS, Call and Data connection establishments. The probing information can also be used to form location-based lock downs of subscribers – or to block subscribers spamming with unauthorized SMS gateways.
Store data securely, ensuring that no subscriber can be personally identified and guaranteeing subscribers their privacy. Map what kind of data subscribers are using (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), what time of the day or night they are most active, the services they use most (data or voice) to further segment subscribers to provide personalized offers.
Monitor signalling traffic between the radio and core network and collect location information, signal strength and quality of service statistics across the network while sending measured data to the central server for analysis. Results can be interrogated and visually presented using graphs and interactive maps. Extract and process key information (APN, Cell ID or types of traffic).
Control Plane Circuit Switched (CS) – control signalling related to voice calls (how a call is set up, if a call gets dropped, which cells are being used during a call).
Control Plane Packet Switched (PS) – Control signalling related to data (how a data session is set up, how long it lasts or if it is interrupted).
User Plane – Actual user data (how much data is consumed, what throughput the user has, what service is used, such as browsing a web page or streaming from a certain video service).
This real time information can be further developed with different approaches depending on business targets:
Extended CheckIMEI from core network containing IMEI, IMSI, MSISDN, LAC & Cell ID or ECGI (SS7 enabled MME’s)
Probing control plane signaling data between radio and the core network, it will add key information such as : Cell ID providing location information, APN used in PDP Establishment, PDP Activations successful & failed, Calls made successful & failed, USSD / SMS usage successful & failed, Roamers identification.